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World Happiness Report

On my third internship extension with the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network I worked on the World Happiness Report website as their graphic design intern.


The World Happiness Report team wanted to revamp their Reports Archive page by extending their newer branding interactively as well as create a space to represent editors and team members.


After discussing at length what the team was looking for, as well as taking a look through their reports to study their past and most recent branding, I particularly liked the heavy use of bright color, circles, and gradients.


Their most recent report balances the vibrant gradients with expressive black and white photos, mostly containing peoples faces. I felt it would be a great element to incorporate in the redesign of the Archive page as well as the Editors page. With these ideas I created low fidelity wireframes, slowly developing into high res compositions. 

High Fidelity Compositions



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